Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My fierce Amazon warriors...

Some of you know that my mom is a breast cancer survivor. 3 years now! She underwent a bilateral mastectomy in 2004 in order to rid her body of what she came to think of as her enemy: the cancer.

Shortly after her surgery, I was reading an article that compared breast cancer fighters and survivors to Amazon warriors, those fierce legendary women who cut off their right breasts in order to use bows and spears unencumbered. There's actually no historical proof of women who did any such thing, and if you read about the actual women who inspired the legend, it's kinda scary....

But I was struck by the comparison. Both fierce, both warriors, both fighting for survival, both willing to part with something precious in order to fight battles and fight for survival, unhindered, unencumbered.

I found out this week that my cousin Terra, who is my age, has breast cancer. Terra has two little ones really close in age to my girls. She's a wife. She's a momma. She's a passionate, creative woman. And she's starting the fight of her life.

But she, like my mom, is like those legendary Amazon women, and she is FIERCE. She will fight passionately, and I believe with all my heart that she will prevail, as the Father leads her, and undoubtedly sometimes carries her, through the jungle that is breast cancer. Father, be with Terra, and with her precious family. Protect their hearts as they walk down this path, and please bring healing to her body. Help them all to walk with hope, and to constantly look to You. We don't understand why these things happen; help us to trust you wholeheartedly nevertheless.


Anonymous said...

i will be in prayer for terra and your family as she fights cancer, and more than that as she seeks to serve the Lord

Shannon said...

Thanks, Rach. We covet prayers for them!