Sunday, February 24, 2008

a few random thoughts

Just heard "Falling Slowly" from Once on the Oscars...if you haven't heard the song yet, by all means listen to it, and if you haven't seen the movie, well...if you can handle lots of the f-bomb, see it soon. Anyhow....

Quick update. We took MA to the allergist a few weeks ago, and he diagnosed her chronic runny nose as a symptom of acid reflux which apparently she still suffers from....which would explain the runny nose, the constant ear infections even after tubes, and the random waking up/screaming episodes we have at 3 in the morning...SO, we've already seen her nose start to dry up. We're waiting for the sleep issues to subside, but after 2 1/2 years, they're pretty ingrained, so pray for us as we continue plodding along! Poor kiddo.

I need to paint our room...any suggestions for a soothing color?

Enjoy the random extra day we get this week! I always say I could use an extra day every week, so I'll have to see if I can take advantage of the weirdness of the 29th on Friday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

all you need is...respect??

So it's almost Valentine's Day, girls! I guess we all already know that. Our house was a flurry of foam hearts and glitter glue (I'd like to blow a big raspberry in the general direction of the person who invented glitter glue! What an obnoxious mess that my children adore...) on Friday as we tried to get a head start on class valentines. Ads for roses and chocolate are everywhere, and hearts are plastered on everything standing still...

So it made me think a bit. I kinda tend to blow off Valentine's's fun for my girlies, but it irritates me a little bit. A contrived holiday to force guys to try to get something perfect and thoughtful and sincere for their beloved? Or something else altogether? I don't know...

BUT I have been reading a very interesting book called Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and I've been really intrigued by it. It's nothing I've not heard, but it's put in such a way that I can't help but think about it. I'm not finished with the book, but so far Eggerichs' basic premise is that, in the same way women are wired to need "unconditional love" from their husbands, so too men are wired to need "unconditional respect" from their wives. He states that couples enter a "crazy cycle" in their relationship when they interact without the love and respect they both need so desperately: "without love, she reacts without respect. Without respect, he reacts without love" (p. 16). A really interesting point he makes is that we need to always keep in mind that, for the most part, our husbands (and wives) are acting in "basic goodwill" toward us. Now, he's not talking about sin nature stuff here, but just thinking generally in terms of communication. I really see that with honey; too often I completely forget that he truly loves me, and wouldn't ever do something purposefully to hurt me. He's a wonderful man! I too quickly forget that truth when communication difficulties come, and I react with contempt to something he's trying to tell me...

Anyhow, interesting stuff! Very good for me to think about, especially as our church has been guiding us in a study of James, and we've recently touched on the "tongue" passages there. Here's a quote from something one of our pastors wrote:

James has quite a bit to say about the tongue. In 1:19 he tells us to be slow to speak. The majority of ch. 3 is devoted to taming the tongue. In this section he states that the tongue is able to corrupt the whole person. Then there is James 1:26 that says that a person’s religion is worthless if he cannot keep a tight reign on his tongue. James isn’t the only one who talks about the tongue. Ephesians 4:29 commands us to not let ANY unwholesome talk come out of our mouths. Jesus himself says in Matthew 12:34, “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

Here’s the deal: the Bible has a lot to say about the tongue, so what has your tongue been saying?

So it's been good for me to think about how I communicate respect to my sweet dear honey. It's my sincere desire that I'll be doing a lot better with that come Valentine's Day next year... Happy Valentine's Day girls! Hope everybody gets to enjoy some favorites (chocolates and fountain coke for me, thanks!).

Friday, February 8, 2008

darcy fans, unite!!

So maybe all you cultured types already knew about this (I heard about it from our dear Schmemma a while ago, but promptly forgot about it until last week)....

PBS's Masterpiece Theatre is in the middle of a series called "The Complete Jane Austen." This Sunday marks the first of 3 weeks of *sigh* Pride and Prejudice. That's right girls...our very own A&E version of Pride & Prejudice, complete with Colin Firth as the dear Mr. Darcy. Here in Dallas, it starts Sunday night at 8pm - we'll probably be feasting on quesadillas as we watch, for old times' sake (sniff, sniff)!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


OK, I've got a new favorite, ladies! Jojoba oil (pronounced, at least by me, ho-ho-ba).... I found out about it a few weeks ago at the spa party I attended, and decided to head down to the ol' health food store to find a bottle (where I had the whole "how is it pronounced?" debate for the first time; I asked the lady for "ho-ho-ba oil," she said "What?" So I spelled it, and she said, "Oh, joe-joe ba oil..." Then she couldn't find it, so she asked the other lady who worked there for "joe-joe-ba oil," and the other lady said, "Oh, you mean ho-ho-ba oil?" SIGH...) Anyhow, jojoba oil. Great stuff! My girls have (like most little kiddos) really sensitive skin, and this time of year I'm always looking for ways to keep their skin soft & unchapped. MA's nose runs constantly, so she's always red & ouchy under her nose, and K's chin & cheeks are chapped, no matter how much lotion or vaseline I douse them with... So I put some jojoba oil in their bath, and put a bit in their hands to rub on their faces, and no more red faces! It's lovely stuff. I've even been using it on my hands (until now I haven't been able to keep my knuckles from cracking), and under my eyes, on my legs after I shave, and even a bit in my makes everything so soft! Apparently the DNA in jojoba oil is like our own DNA, so it softens everything up, but doesn't make you greasy. I think I'm even going to add some essential oils or aromatherapy oils to some to make some massage oil, even...great stuff! I got a 16 ounce bottle from the health food store for $16, so it won't break the bank.