Friday, February 8, 2008

darcy fans, unite!!

So maybe all you cultured types already knew about this (I heard about it from our dear Schmemma a while ago, but promptly forgot about it until last week)....

PBS's Masterpiece Theatre is in the middle of a series called "The Complete Jane Austen." This Sunday marks the first of 3 weeks of *sigh* Pride and Prejudice. That's right girls...our very own A&E version of Pride & Prejudice, complete with Colin Firth as the dear Mr. Darcy. Here in Dallas, it starts Sunday night at 8pm - we'll probably be feasting on quesadillas as we watch, for old times' sake (sniff, sniff)!!


rachel hood said...

i OWN this pride and prejudice...stephen bought it for me a while back-though i don't think he has ever seen any of is by far the best version i have ever seen...maybe because of colin, but whatever...i will pack it up for GW'08...maybe the hotel will have a dvd player (or we can gather round the laptop!
ps don't forget the salsa!

Kelley said...

thanks for the tip, Shannon. I may actually get to watch it again this way. My friends in SC brought it a few years ago so I got to see it then (the guys bailed and left us girls to it), but it's been awhile.

Shannon said...

Rae, I have it too! It's just not anything I ever think to pull out and watch, because my littles would never ever deal with a day full o' darcy! Maybe when they're teenagers, but for sure not now. It is the best! You must bring it...

Kelley, you have to understand that it was something of a tradition for a few of us girls in college to watch this, what, once a semester? And we'd also experiment with making the perfect quesadillas and salsa... good times!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i just had a flashback to making quesadillas/salsa at your duplex & having a dance party to tracy chapman.