Sunday, August 12, 2007

finds & treats

Don't know if anybody else has seen this, but with two little girls who LOVE to color and craft, Disney's Magic Artist Online has been a big favorite lately... There are activities you can do with all of your favorite characters, from coloring pages to greeting cards to bookmarks. It's pretty fun, and I've not had too much trouble navigating! Needless to say, I think that we're going to have a lot more princess coloring pages on the fridge...

Am experimenting for Miss K's 4th birthday party, a princess tea party, and made a yummy and easy treat: Napoleons. Buy a roll of puff pastry, follow directions for thawing, and cut one sheet of it into 12 rectangles. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes (or until golden - took mine about 12), and then let cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, using 2 small packets of french vanilla instant pudding, mix with 1 cup milk and 1 cup heavy whipping cream for about 4 minutes, until fluffy. Pull apart each puff pastry into 2 sections (top and bottom), and then layer: one puff pastry piece, a blob of pudding, another puff pastry, more pudding, and finally top off with another puff pastry piece. Put together all the pieces and pudding (you'll have 8 Napoleons), and dust with powdered sugar. Pretty, and easy! And YUMMY!


Kelley said...

Thanks for the web site tip, Shannon. I know Nate is always looking for something fun to do on the computer, and art is right in line with his interests. Now I'll have to restock my ink cartridges! :)

Lin said...

hey shan...i've been out of the blog loop for a while. just caught up on your posts. sorry to hear about MA's sleep issues & the girls' being sick. i'm praying for y'all.

now re: high school musical.... LOVE IT! :) i rented it a few months ago. when does the 2nd one come out?

Elizabeth said...

Wow! Since you are a "S" on my blog list, I don't always make it through my list to read everyone's blog so this time I started at the bottom. Anyway, I am so sorry about MA sleep issues-I pray it is getting better. These little ones definitely have a mind of their own.

Also, I love High School Musical. When it 1st came out, Meredith's kids got it and I loved it.

Shannon said...

High School Musical 2 is tomorrow night, Lin! We're having a party out at my mom & dad's place.


Anonymous said...

so, how was it HM2 i mean

Shannon said...

It was cute, Rach - I still like the first one better. There was one weird song that Troy (Zac Efron) sang by himself...maybe it was because these kids are all so famous now, but they just didn't seem as sweet as they did in the first one. Still was cute. And clean. I was really impressed by the song by the pool - all of the suits were cute & modest! I need to watch it again, though. Maybe it's like a CD you hear the first time, that has to grow on you? And I'm WAY over-analyzing this!! :o)