Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tales from the Crib

I'm crazy distracted this week because we found out yesterday that MA has to have tubes put in her ears on Friday. Excited because we hope this will help her chronic ear infections & general sickness, but nervous because, well, ya know, the whole surgery aspect of it...

So I'm just going to post a few funny things I've heard/experienced at the gym since I started working there a few weeks ago (I'm in the nursery, and when no kiddos are in there, the TV is controlled by my co-workers). Keep in mind that most of my co-workers are teenagers, and it's been ever-so long since I've worked with the good ol' teen set...

1 - As we were watching American Idol a few weeks ago, one of the contestants sang his sorry version of "Every Breath You Take." Josh commented, "Doesn't some old dude sing that?"

2 - Kelly was flipping through the stations, and stopped for a second on a channel. "Hey, that's Karate Kid!" I said with excitement. "I had his poster on my wall in jr. high!" She watched for about 30 seconds (it was during a training session in Mr. Miyagi's backyard), wrinkled her nose, and kept channel surfing.

3 - Kelly was (again) flipping. She stopped on Airplane. "My mom loves this movie," she said. Another 30 seconds, another wrinkled nose, and more channel surfing.

4 - Josh & Kelly were watching an A&E biography on Michael Jackson. They were showing scenes from his childhood. Josh said, "Hey, he used to be black! What happened?" Don't we all wish we knew, Josh...


Kelley said...

I think my favorite is the last comment, but the first one kinda hurt! We're at that age where we've turned into our mothers...yikes.

As for MA's tubes, I'll pray the procedure goes well. Jack went thru that about 15 months ago and hasn't had a single problem since. The year before that we were best friends with our pediatrician, if you get my drift. Be sure to get some basic ear plugs--they'll probably show you a selection at the office--for bath and swim time. We've had a marvelous experience with Jack's tubes, and I'll pray MA responds as well as he did.

Lin said...

i'll be thinking about you on friday. let us know how it goes.

yeah...we're gettin old! this week on idol, one of the contestants (jordan, i think)said she was born in 1989. wow.

Shannon said...

My gut reaction after he said the "old guy" comment was "HEY, that's Sting you're talkin about! He's not old!" But then, I got to thinking...well...shoot...I guess he is kinda um...old-ish...
But he still rocks!!