Monday, April 23, 2007

princess fever

If you have little girls in your house, like I have in mine, your home has probably already been bitten by the princess bug, invited or not. Princesses are BIG favorites in our home, and if you could listen in during storytime or dress up, chances are you'd hear about Cinderella, or Belle, or Ariel, among others. One of Miss K's favorite new pretend games is to dress up as Cinderella, while I get to be the stepmother, and daddy is the prince. I usually am required to bark out orders while Cinderella pines away for the ball, and she eventually winds up dancing with her daddy by the time the story ends. One thing I like about most of the princess stories is that, while the princesses sometimes make bad choices (think Ariel), they're typically pretty good gals. One thing I don't like about the whole princess motif is the idea that somehow our little princesses are, because of their "princess status," allowed to behave like beasts.

I've figured out lately that I tend to pick up the princess attitude (the beastly side) all too often in regard to everyday life: "I deserve better/more/nicer, etc...". Somehow I think that I'm exempt from the trials & tribulations of everyday life just because I'm me, because I'm somehow different, somehow more special. You know, a princess. Only problem is that I'm NOT a princess. I know that on some level I am, since I'm a daughter of the King, but that's an entirely different subject. I'm just talking about everyday practicality here. There's no fairy godmother, or cute talking animal that's going to solve all my problems for me. I know that I've got my handsome prince, but he's not about to carry me off to some awesome castle for a princess-style "happily ever after." These are days that I just have to keep plodding through at times, as an entirely different (and definitely un-princessey) theme song runs through my mind: "Y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in here..."

So there's my thought for today. Gotta let the princess fever go on its way, and be thankful for the abundant provision plopped in my lap by the Father. Although, I do actually get to play princess for a few days this week: some girlfriends and I are going to Orlando for a few days of getaway, and I think we're actually going to go visit Disney. Maybe I'll get a picture in front of the castle. ;o)


Lauren said...

bwhahahahahahaha....i'm laughing out loud with "y'all gonna make me lose my mind..." haha i love it!

Anonymous said...

Shan, you so funny!! I hope you have a blast in Disney, I'm so jealous...I want to go to the ball :)

Lin said...

Hey Shan,
Post about your trip. I know it was so fun!

BTW, thanks for mentioning the enchiladas. I made them last week, & Mike wants them back in the rotation :)

Shannon said...

hey girls i'm working on a post! our computer is broken,so i'm getting to work for a little while in the evenings on chris' computer, but it makes it slow going. it was fun! too much, i'm afraid. i'm having a super hard time getting back into the swing of things here at home. SIGH.