Thursday, March 15, 2007

Back Home!

Well, we're back home safe & sound from the pacific northwest, and it is absolutely gorgeous up there. We stayed with some friends on Tuesday night, and they win the prize for the most beautiful view from their front porch (I guess this really isn't the view - it's the corner of their house, but you get the idea; the water you see is the Columbia River):

They also live about 10 minutes from Multnomah Falls:

Amazing things that our Creator does. We drove to the coast on Monday, and as we were passing through these incredible forests, I remembered that what I was looking at was part of the broken creation. Christ told the disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them, so how much more incredible must heaven be? I know that Jesus is going to eclipse everything there, but it was fun to think about. These are some pics from our trip to the coast (the first one is just funny. Katie started rummaging through their backpack on the way there, and they both had pull-ups on their heads before we knew what they were doing).

I also got scolded by Sha for not posting a pic of me at the wedding, so here are a few. I have to admit that I hate my hair, though. I got it cut right before we left, and she gave me BANGS! I hate bangs. NEVER AGAIN!

So if you ever get the chance to go to Oregon, for heaven's sake, GO. It's beautiful, and oh so different from Texas. And although traveling with the pumpkins is a challenge, it was definitely worth it.


Elizabeth said...

Shannon- Your hair looks GREAT!!!!
I love it. What a sweet picture of the family. Glad you made if back safe and sound.

Lin said...

1) i'm totally diggin' the bangs!
2) pull-up heads are hi-LAR-ious
3) gorgeous scenery!
4) love the new BLUE blog

Shannon said...

Thanks for the compliments on the hair, girls! I still hate it, but maybe if I work with it more it'll grow on me? For now it's being pulled back with little tiny clippies.

I just felt like, with spring springing, the blog needed some new life, too, Lin, hence the blue! I'd like purple, so I might have to tweak it a bit.

Anonymous said...

you'd be gorgeous bald! the pics

Shannon said...

Hey, rae, is the baby here yet? Maybe I need to explore elsewhere... you are my hero right now. I'd be a mess if it were me moving in the midst of big giant contractions! Praying for all the best!!

Jen said...

Pull-ups on the head. Oh my, I laughed out loud. And made Noel take notes, because I hope he does that one day :)

Seeing these pics of Oregon makes me want to go back--it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited.