Sunday, February 18, 2007

Losing the turf war

Our poor neighbors. We are the king & queen of lawn neglect, and it shows. BIG time. In an attempt to be good stewards, of the earth, and our children, and even the dog, we've done organic lawn care since we moved in. The only trouble we have is with stinkin' weeds. They're everywhere. In theory, the longer you do organic lawn care, the healthier and thicker your grass, and that's essentially supposed to choke out the weeds. But for some reason (laziness? a general hatred of lawn work on both our parts?) we just can't get that healthy, thick grass that we'd like to have. A new friend who also does organic lawn care was over a few weeks ago, and we got to talking about weeds. He said that the only way he's able to control them is to pull 30 of them every day when he gets home from work. UGH. I can guarantee that neither one of us lazybones is about to start pulling 30 weeds every time we pull in the driveway. So what are we to do? On one income we obviously can't pay someone to do our dirty work for us, so I'm on the verge of abandoning ship, as it were. I think I'm ready to put chemicals on the lawn. Our neighbors all do it, and their lawns look great (I know that's terrible reasoning, but it's true). I'm kinda sick of being the folks with the crappy lawn. I feel like we've given organic a fair shake (we've been here almost 5 years), and it just isn't a good fit for us. Any advice?


Anonymous said...

Before I even let Brandon read your post, I said what should they do and he said,"nothing works here in Texas except for hand picking." We usually do a lot of hand picking in early spring when there's no grass really and then start the chemicals. With the chemicals and grass it usually chokes out the weeds...good luck!

Jen said...

Ironic that the lawn won't stay green, no matter how green you try to go. Noel and his cloth diapers salute you! Who cares if your lawn is creepy? I'd call it quirky instead.

Shannon said...

Quirky...that's a start! I've wondered if I could somehow endear the weeds to myself (if that makes any sense). I love the weeds! I love the weeds! The pumpkins do love the dandelions, I must admit.

Anonymous said...

I just saw something advertised on TV last night...Scott's Bonus MAX..has weed and feed plus ant killer..just go crazy with the chemicals. Also,we had the rain problem and watering restrictions last year so that didn't help.

Lin said...

neither of us are lawn i feel your pain! looks like chemicals are your best bet. like you gave organic a fair shake!