Monday, January 7, 2008

today's thought...

From a MOPS Mom-E-Mail I opened this morning:

Cleaning your house while your children
are still growing is like shoveling
the walk before it stops snowing.
Phyllis Diller

Amen to that!


Anonymous said...

That is too funny- I qouted that to someone the other day-I think it was Rachel. Anyway-so true-it's almost completely pointless-still praying for Miss K-how is she? LYLAS

Shannon said...

Made me laugh, Bekah! It is so very true. I feel like they come behind me and just leave a trail of kid mess on everything I clean...

K's doing OK - she's hurting a lot, but I'm hoping that she's on the tail end of it. She's such a trooper! Thanks so much for praying!