Wednesday, January 2, 2008

new year, new thoughts?

So happy new year, everybody! Yikes. 2008. Shouldn't we all have flying cars & house-cleaning robots by now?

Sweet K had a tonsillectomy today, so we've been getting ready for today, and the new year just kinda sneaked right on by... We were in bed well before midnight, with our babies all snug in their beds on time. I know a time will come again when we'll actually stay up late & celebrate New Year's, but my fondness for sleep kinda really likes this way of celebrating!

Two things...

First, silly: going along with our Muppet Christmas, we picked up season one of the Muppet Show for our sweet little patient to recover with. Highly recommend it! Fun 70's clothes, colors & hair, and great silliness for our little people to laugh with.

Second, serious: terrible things are happening in Kenya, where Heather and her family serve. For now, Heather and her family are out of the country, but their hearts are there with the people they live with and love. Please be praying for them, for all of our missionaries serving there, and for the people of the country. Heather has a link to Daniel Liparelli's blog (Daniel is another American serving in Kenya) that gives a very real, very frightening insider's view of life in Kenya these last few days.

Always good to stretch our horizons, right? Praying that this year will find us looking more and more like the Son...


Jen said...

Thanks for calling attention to these unspeakable horrors in Kenya, Shannon--I wish I'd known before. The afternoon will be full of reading up on it--and praying.

And back on the homefront, I do hope you're little one is doing beautifully after her tonsillectomy. I'm sure the Muppets will do the trick. I've never forgotten the gift my parents got me when I had my tonsils out: a yellow truck that carried a racecar on the back (with a ramp to drive up and down) and had a little gas thing that sat atop it too. The perfect girl's gift :)

Shannon said...

That is the perfect girl's gift, Jen! Chris got the girls a wooden train/construction set for Christmas...I wasn't sure they would go for it, but they've LOVED it. ;o)

I'm a bit appalled at how removed we are here in the States from the rest of the world at times. The headlines in the media are all about Britany Spears, while this is going on in Kenya? Yikes...

Daniel Martin said...

....hi! :)

Kelley said...

Hey Shannon,

Your post reminded me of Heather--she had been vaguely in my mind when I read about the Kenya elections and unrest, but your words prompted me to check out her blog. Thanks!

Hey, how did you load that picture of the girls into your header? I love it! I'm tempted to try it myself, but I'll need pointers.

Shannon said...

Daniel Martin! How fun is that?? Hi to you, too! Are you guys still in Texas??

Kelley, it was easy - go to your customize page, and click edit for your header - there's a place for you to upload a picture there... Geaux Tigers!! ;o)