Tuesday, January 29, 2008

this overwhelming feeling....

Today I'm just feeling a tad bit overwhelmed with everything. It's normal, and I'm not about to run off to the Caribbean or anything (if only, right???), but nevertheless...

I think we're all adjusting to my new "work" schedule. The girls seem to be trooping right along, and MA even greeted her teachers happily today: "Teacher!" (Side note: she now wants to be the moon when she grows up. What do I say to that??). Anyhow, we're all adjusting...so we came home after our full day, and lo & behold, thanks to crazy wind today in DFW, our back fence was COMPLETELY blown over. Not only 2 or 3 pickets...our whole back fence, save like 2 sections. SIGH. So there's that to deal with...and then I find my new "welcome to the business" package from Sensaria (the fun spa stuff I'm going to try to sell) outside the front door. So where the heck am I supposed to put it? In my bedroom/office/craft room, on the craft/junk table that's COMPLETELY full? SIGH. So I made some tea, confident that the fence can be handled by honey, and that with a few hours I can find some room for my Sensaria stuff... Now I just have to convince myself (again) that I can actually be a rep for the company, without being one of those home-based business ladies that you hide from when you see her in Wal-Mart cause you know that's all she's going to do is try to sell you something (btw, if you're a home-based business person this is not a slam - I know so many wonderful women who are excellent at this...but I know that you all know the type I'm talking about, right?).

Anyhow, overwhelmed.

So I'm grateful that if God is for us, who can be against us, and that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because when I start feeling overwhelmed my brain usually starts attacking me, bringing up past failures and consequences of failures, making it very difficult to get over "overwhelmed." So thankful...

Off to help honey get the kiddos out of the bathtub, and fish toilet paper out of said bathwater. "It's clean toilet paper, at least," says honey... Fits right in to the way today has played out, at least!!


Anonymous said...

I soooo had a day like yours as well- I'm praying for you- also- when we lived in TX our fence fell down at least 3 times!!