Friday, November 9, 2007

pumpkin bread recipes?

It's almost Thanksgiving, and I'm looking for a wonderful pumpkin bread recipe! Gammy used to make the best pumpkin bread (and I'm sure she still does, but being here I haven't had the chance in way too long to find out!), and I used to have the recipe, but like most important stuff written down in this house, I have no idea where it might be...

So I'm looking for a few good recipes. Anyone?

Don't have any mommy wisdom yet...wanted to have the luncheon this week, but honey was sick, and now the girls are sick, and so I just don't know when it's going to happen! Maybe before January 1st?

We made these turkeys Wednesday. I love that the girlies love being crafty!!


Anonymous said...

hey hon

it IS a great recipe...

3 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/1/2 cups pumpkin
1 cup plus 2 tbsp salad oil
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup chopped pecans/walnuts

Beat eggs and sugar well.. Add pumpkin, oil and vanilla, mix thoroughly. sift flour, soda,powder, salt and spices together. (i never do that-just stir) add to pumpkin mixture and beat. add pecans. bake at 350* for one hour in two well greased loaf pans. freezes well-also makes great muffins/mini muffins

love rach

Shannon said...

Ah, blessed are you, Rach! THANK YOU!


mezzogirl1974 said...

Oh, Shannon, my recipe is similar to Rachel's except I omit all oil and add extra pumpkin (just a bit) and use fat free or low fat plain yogurt in place of all oil or butter.

It has made my breads (all the sweet quick breads that I make)SUPER moist and lighter (not just consistency-wise but calorie-wise) without taking away the yumminess. It doesn't taste low-fat, basically:)

I actulaly use applesauce, pumpkin, ff or lowfat yogurt and I have even used flax seed meal (flax seed that is ground. but it is a special ratio. I think 3 to 1) in place of oil in most of my baking (other than bread-bread or biscuts, etc.) but in the sweet type of baking things. I prefer the yogurt to anything though it is just really, really good.

I am going to have to try that recipe above with my little additions (I never use a recipe verbatum, wouldn't be the "jada" way).

Now I am craving pumpkin bread:)

Shannon said...

Fun, Jada! Thanks for those tips. I'm going to have to try to be adventurous with my baking now (sometimes I'm a slave to recipes, but it's time for freedom, right?)! ;o)

Shannon said...

Jada, I just saw that you blogged about the wisdom post, and I've fixed that link. UGH. I'm just not that great at keeping stuff updated! Sorry about that! ;o)

Lauren said...

That turkey is so cute:) Crafts are so fun! You're a great mom, Shannon.

Lin said...

i'm starting to feel a little guilty b/c i don't enjoy crafts like you girls do. my kids are missing out!

Anonymous said...

you should totally feel guilty that your kids won't be begging to get sprinkle and craft paper and glus and glitter and markers and feathers and whatever else all over the place then leave you with the rest of the mess that they can't clean up by themselves and some cheesy looking tree ornaments you have to love because they made it...yeah you should totally feel bad-miss no craft mom!

Shannon said...

Ha! No guilt, Lin! That's what pre-school teachers are for! ;o)

Thanks Laur! It's fun. I actually talked to a mom today who schedules craft time every day with her kiddos! I can't even imagine being that organized...our craft time is usually borne out of desperation for a few minutes of quiet!

I miss you girls! We need to plan another girls' weekend...maybe we could do it at my mom & dad's house outside of Tyler?