Wednesday, November 14, 2007

sweet reminder

Yesterday my sweet friend Angela, mom to 3 sweet angels 3 & under, shared this sweet story with a group of us girls...

Almost 2 months ago, she took the kiddos to visit her mom in Georgia. In the process of packing, her oldest daughter's bunny wound up missing. Sophie (her oldest) was a very brave 3 1/2 year old for the last 2 months, not complaining about the missing bunny, and all the while Angela kept searching diligently. Monday night Sophie broke down: "I miss my bunny! I need my bunny!" etc.., accompanied by many tears and loads of sobbing. Angela and her hubby gathered the kiddos on the bed, and said a prayer for bunny (isn't it interesting, the things we find ourselves praying for as parents?). So mom & the girls stayed on the bed while dad went about his business...about 2 minutes later, dad came in with bunny: "Look what I found in your other backpack!" Bunny was found. Dad assumed mom had already looked in there, but "something" just told him to check again.

Angela was sharing how overwhelmed she was at the thought that the God of the universe cared enough about her, and about her sweet girl, to let that bunny be found. Right then. One of our other friends remarked, "Angela, she'll never forget that." Angela replied that she wouldn't ever forget it either.

How great a love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I John 3:1.

So there's a reminder. He is the great and awesome God of the universe, but He is also Abba, our dear Father. And he loves us so very much that He'll even bring our bunnies back right when we need them. Thank you, Father, for the great love you shower on us...I know I'm so very undeserving, but You have provided a way for us to be Yours through Christ. Draw our precious children, who You love, to Yourself by the work of the Spirit, I pray.


Elizabeth said...

What a wonderful Daddy we have!! We need those reminders. Thanks.