Tuesday, October 9, 2007

our lil' miss k

Has eye surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, bright & early, to correct those ol' crossed eyes she inherited from yours truly. So, if you read this, say a prayer for our sweet baby, that this won't be unduly traumatic, that it will go well, and that she'll get better quickly. Say a prayer for her momma & daddy, too, that we will continue to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer & supplication, with thanksgiving, let [our] requests be made known to God..."


Shannon said...

Her surgery went beautifully! We're home now, and on the way home she asked if we could go play at the Sonic playground, so I don't think she'll be down for too long!

Kelley said...

Hey, got your note about the results before blogarithms sent me the notice that you had a new post! Backwards...so glad things went well and she seems to be bouncing back as kids typically do. How did you do during the surgery? :)

Shannon said...

I did well once she was out of sight...I had a teary moment as she was being wheeled away from us, about to get her anesthesia...it was just a very helpless feeling!

Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry that I read your blog a day too late. So thankful that everything went well. I have had that surgery twice. The first time when I was 2. My parents still talk about how traumatic it was for them. Precious picture!

Jen said...

So glad to hear all went well--and I second the delight at the photo. That's the pleasure of two girls, surely--such beautiful pics together!

Shannon said...

Thank you all for your prayers and sweet comments! It's a joy being mom to these two amazing people. K had another wonderful day today - you'd never know the child had surgery yesterday unless you look at her little bloodshot eyes, which don't seem to bother her a bit. She's having fun taking off her glasses and saying "I only see 1 Mommy! (or whatever it is she's looking at). She used to see 2 of whatever she was looking at. And all she wants to do is play chase...yeesh, kiddo, what part of "take it easy" don't you get? ;o)