Sunday, June 24, 2007

heaven & bat-sism

Poor pumpkins. With seminary grads for parents, any semi-theological question they ask gets over-analyzed and probably over-answered, and inevitably a little jumbled in their brains...

Chapter 1: Friday morning on the way to another lovely visit with Miss Bernice, Miss K piped up from the back, "Where does God live?" Naturally, honey and I started salivating over such a ripe question, and dove right in. The conversation progressed to the subject of heaven, with a summary statement from Miss K, "Well, I want to be in heaven, too!" More salivating, more questions (Will you be there? Will our house be there?), more answers (Yes, baby, and so will all people who believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sin and rose from the dead; No baby, Jesus is preparing a much more wonderful place for those who are His), and finally an encouragement from her daddy to pray. Then that precious little pumpkin, who typically won't even close her eyes for the blessing before a meal, actually BOWED her head, CLOSED her eyes, and FOLDED her sweet little hands and whispered a prayer to the Father. It lasted like a minute-and-a-half! We couldn't understand what she was saying, but she was so earnest. We know she doesn't understand sin yet, but we hope that this a glimpse of an answer to a prayer we've prayed for her longer than she's been alive: that He would draw her to Himself.

Chapter 2: Tonight our church celebrated baptism (YAAAY! I love baptism service...there's something just so teachable about dunking people in water, and I also love the Lord's Supper because the same is true of eating & drinking...sometimes I think we just make stuff too hard, but there's Jesus, playing with water, and handing out bread & wine, and talking about things like light, and farmers, and weddings! Beautiful! But I digress....). Since we aren't in our new building yet, we had the service at a local mini-water-park, and had some good play time before and after the baptism. It was the pumpkins' first look at a baptism, and we tried to explain, at least to Miss K, what was going to happen. As we were watching (and trying our best to keep Miss MA quiet and out of the pool), Miss K kept asking me where the bats were. Huh? Bats? She thought we were at a "bat-sism," so obviously bats were part of the action. She was mildly interested in the folks getting dunked, but I think would have been much happier if bats had somehow been involved.


Lin said...

awww...that's exciting about miss k! it's so amazing to watch the Lord work in our little ones.

i'm cracking up at the bats. i think i would have been a little scared! :)

Elizabeth said...

That is too cute and sweet! I love to hear little kiddo questions.

Anonymous said...

I can so just picture you telling that story and all of your expressions. How precious for K. We have begun those conversations awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

It would only be the granddaughter of Kathy (bats-in-the-belfry) Holly-Schwartz who would hear "bats" in "baptism!"

Shannon said...

I thought the same thing, Dad! ;o)

Girls, my mom has a MAJOR fear of bats, so it's pretty funny that her oldest granddaughter has no fear at all of them. She would have been thrilled had they shown up!

Anonymous said...

On a more serious note, consider the earnest, sweet, devotion of Katie's prayer, and think of Ruth Graham's testimony, if I remember it correctly. This is sort of a summary, but she didn't recall ever not loving Jesus, yet had no specific memory of having prayed "the sinner's prayer." Who can say when she was born again? She couln't point to a specific time or place or altar of prayer, yet she's an example of the grace of God at work in a life! What an example of a Christian! My point is that God's Spirit can work in a child's heart at an early age, because salvation is a work of the sovereign Lord!

Shannon said...
