Sunday, June 17, 2007

too much of a good thing?

Friday was a marathon for us - we started out just meaning to pay a visit to the main branch of the Dallas Public Library, for preschool story time, but wound up spending the entire day downtown, with visits to the Farmer's Market, the Dallas World Aquarium (honey asked for a membership for Father's Day), Fountain Place, and the Dallas Museum of Art, where Erykah Badu was performing a free outdoor concert. SHEESH. It was a long day. Every single thing on that list is amazing, loads of fun, and incredibly entertaining, but all rolled into one day made for a rotten attitude on my part - I was a major crabapple by 9 pm, when we were staring at some rather large bottoms that had planted themselves in front of us five minutes after the Erykah Badu concert started (we were seated, they found standing room in front of us...thoughtful, huh?).

So it was a lesson for me to trust my instincts - when honey suggested making a marathon of the outing that was only meant to be a couple of hours long, something inside me said, "Yeah, not so much for me, thanks," but, in the spirit of trying something different, I squelched that voice and went for it. I'm NOT blaming honey at all. He's an extrovert - he gets charged up by being around people, in energetic settings. I'm an introvert - I get charged up with my alone time. Not that I don't like being around people, but, I have my limits, and I trampled them on Friday. SO, a lesson in listening to myself. Not being selfish & unmovable, mind you, because it's good & healthy to stretch myself. But just part of knowing my boundaries, and sticking firm when I know that too much of a good thing will undoubtedly make me miserable.

Although...we did see our sweet friends Julie & Maria at the concert, which wouldn't have happened if we hadn't there are always blessings to be found, even when things aren't quite what you'd like them to be, right? Lord, balance is so hard to find...but You continually bless us, even when we're not expecting it. Thank You!


Anonymous said...

From another introvert, I TOTALLY understand. And, I, too am married to an extrovert!! How did that happen:):) something about opposites attracting, I suppose.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

It was our joy to see you. You made a beautiful escape because the night only include more crazy from the Crazy beside us and more bottom-flashing from the Bottom Stoppers in front of us. We left before the last couple of songs and couldn't believe she had the audacity to wait for people to chant her name before doing an encore. She was late, sang for oh, 40 minutes, and then demanded the obligatory "Praise Be to Me" encore rally. I say, "Praise be to the Messy Everyday Wonder who tried to live outside her comfort zone."

See ... told you I read your blog!

Shannon said...

Ugh, Julie! I forgot about Crazy. We laughed about him as we were going home, though. Jenny thought he looked a bit like a satyr... HA!

I found the beginners link on Runner's World, and have gone the last 2 mornings! You're my inspiration!! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Crazy did look like a satyr. Tell Jenny that's a great description. And huge congratulations on going running. If you ever want to come to the lake some Saturday morning, I'd love to zip around with you.