Monday, June 11, 2007

barefoot in the grass, with cupcakes

Last night my sis & I went to a "concert in the gardens" event in Fort Worth at the Botanical Gardens, where we got to see Patty Griffin perform while we ate a yummy dinner from Central Market. It was delightful! There's just something about having the grass tickle your toes while you listen to one of your favorite artists, plus Central Market buttercream icing, that makes an evening pretty darn near perfect.

In case you haven't heard Patty Griffin, I'd highly recommend you take a listen (this link is to her first album, Living With Ghosts, released in 1996). Something about her music just stirs me (I don't remember who introduced me to her music, but it was back in my early seminary days, and I still absolutely love every single song on that first album. Be warned! It's not a jolly album. It's reflective and realistic about how hard things can be, particularly relationships). The concert last night inspired me to be sure to collect more of her music this summer, because she has just continued to develop her style beautifully over the last ten years!


Lin said...'s 10:00 at night & i'm craving cupcakes. (yum!)

Shannon said...

oh yeah, some of the best ever, Lin. Come on over and we'll have some...or Em & I will bring some to you girls sometime this summer (we talked today about driving over for lunch sometime with everybody). ;o)

Lin said...

yea! y'all have to come!

mezzogirl1974 said...

Hey Shannon, how close are you to Longview? I am asking b/c Kristie LaGrappe Hunnicutt and her family just moved there like last week. I knew you were in the 'general' area, but not sure how close.

I should have emailed you this, but am out-of-town and this was the easiest way to contact you!!! Thanks!:)