Monday, April 21, 2008


Ready for some good, silly fun? Let me introduce you to Pingu! He's become a favorite here in our home since auntie introduced us a few months ago. "Pingu is a Swiss animated children's television series...about a family of penguins who live at the South Pole" (from Pingu's Wikipedia page) . It's just fun...Pingu doesn't speak English (or any other real language for that matter), but "a honking 'penguin language,' (called Penguinese)," (again, from the Wikipedia page) that's really funny. The girls and I try to honk at each other now and again, or talk like the seal from this video about Pingu fishing (btw, there are loads of Pingu videos on youtube, or you can look at the official Pingu website, or on the PBS Kids' Sprout Pingu site for others). Anyhow, good silly fun. We like that around here!


Anonymous said...

i watched one of those videos......shannon you are still goofy. only you could have found that character. pretty entertaining. i'll have to let william watch it when he comes to deridder next time.

love you, miss melanie

Anonymous said...


Caleb was laughing out loud, he thought it was hilarious!

Luv ya, bek

Anonymous said...

Pingu is definitely the greatest penguin on earth! He also had quite an adventurous life since he made all his films. Being a grown-up - and having met his fiance Pingvina (me!) - he now writes his life story on a blog, check it out:

Natalie said...

OH yeah! We watch Pingu on PBS Sprout!... it is almost as frightening as teletubbies but not quite as frightening as yo gabba gabba! -Natalie