Friday, December 7, 2007

like mother....

It amazes me how much my girls are like me sometimes (btw, that's us at the Children's parade last weekend in downtown Dallas - so fun!). I probably shouldn't be amazed, considering how much time we spend together, but still...

We went to McDonald's today after a fun trip with some sweet friends to our very favorite library, the main Dallas library downtown (amazing children's section, with the best librarians ever! I absolutely adore the head children's librarian - you can ask about ANYTHING, and she can walk you right to her favorite choices on the topic...). Anyhow, we're in McDonald's. Susan and I are visiting while our 4 girlies are playing. In walks Ronald McDonald himself, and while all the other children in the building get giddy, my two start screaming. One hides behind the shoe holder, the other is frozen in fear inside the play-tube thing. I go rescue little (hidden, screaming, behind the shoes), and Susan climbs inside the play thing to rescue big, who is now sobbing. I've always disliked Ronald McDonald. Maybe that's genetic?

At bedtime K always likes to ask the really deep questions. I know asking questions is definitely a stall tactic, but WHY the gut-wrenching questions at that precise moment? Tonight it was of the "I'll miss you when I don't live with you anymore" variety. Her final question: "Will I be with a man who looks just like daddy?" Very concerned that she won't marry a man that looks like her daddy. That's daddy's girl! We assured her that we don't know the answers to those questions, but we know Who does, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

I know I need to post some pics of our tree, Jada! I promise I'm working on it. You all know the busy excuse, and I think our camera might be getting a little tired, so it's not taking the best pics ever... Maybe when the cold weather comes back? It's hard to convince myself that it's actually Christmastime with 80 degree weather outside...but we sure do love it!


Lin said...

sounds like y'all have been having big fun lately (aside from the ronald incident). i love your new Christmas-y blog.

Anonymous said...


I love going to the library especially with my kids. I love reading children's books, love it!!(And in a few more weeks, I am sure I, personally, will be spending A LOT of time at the library and Starbucks--school stuff. Can't wait, though!!!!).

I will trade our upper 20 degree weather for your 80 degrees:) It has been upper 60's most of the week and last night it got down into the mid-teens (maybe lower). YIKES! It is snowing now. Talk about cabin fever for all of us. Here in Denver we are used to it snowing one day and sunny the next. This weekend won't be that way. My kids are wild.

Cute pictures:)

Take care,

Shannon said...

Snow, Jada! My! I can't even imagine. K's been asking for snow, but we keep telling her that here in Dallas we just don't have that too often!

Thanks, Lin! I miss you girls! I've made a new friend this year from Minden, and she really reminds me of all my North LA girls! ;o)

Elizabeth said...

That is funny about the Ronald McDonald incident.
At least you have a tree! We have nothing Christmas in our house except Clara's Little People Manager Scene. It thought I would decorate this year but the thought of taking it all down when I am 9 months prego doesn't sound appealing.