Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm a little snowflake...

I know that I should absolutely be doing Christmas stuff right now instead of blogging, but I just need to process, and for some crazy reason, this helps me do it, so...

Yesterday was a BAD day. Really super YUCK-O, the kind you just want a do-over on. I won't go into gory details, but it ended up with me being incredibly (maddeningly, almost out of my mind) frustrated because 1) I have years and years of (what really feels like) "useless" education that can't be put to practical use (read, WHY O WHY didn't I study nursing/ architecture/ business/or anything other than these degrees that end in the word "studies"?) and 2) my youngest daughter and I are butting heads like I never imagined we could.

So I was feeling lonely, isolated, and icky. Generally abandoned (although theologically I know that's nonsense, it still creeps into my practical outlook). I'm still in recovery from my attitude from yesterday. It was THAT bad - one of those attitudes that just stays with you for a while...

Anyway, in an attempt to bring some sanity back to life, I sat down to read the paper...on the front page of the entertainment section, there's a write up about coffee table books, and the first book they review, with amazing pictures provided, is The Art of the Snowflake: A Photographic Album, by Kenneth Libbrecht (website here with more info about Libbrecht, and the book, and it's where these amazing images came from). So right there I have an amazing display of the creativity and amazing attention to detail of the Father, and I'm immediately reminded that He's still in control. For whatever reason, each and every snowflake that falls is unique, and yet I dare to think that my life has escaped His notice, that He no longer loves me as His own? Sheesh.... Thank you, Father, that in my forgetfulness and stubbornness you don't disown me. Your patience and kindness with me absolutely blow my mind...I long to be that way with my children (and with everyone around me), but I fall so very short. Help me to be a better learner, and to trust You.


Lin said...

was your title meant to be sung to the tune "i'm a little teapot?" cause i totally did that.

i'm sorry you had a lousy day. isn't it amazing that the power of Christ is perfected in our weakness. when we feel icky, He is always faithful to draw us back to him.

beautiful snowflakes!

Elizabeth said...

I can so relate to your second paragragh. I have been chalking it up to hormones but I have been trying to renew my mind when it will cooperate. I am so blessed that I feel guilty feeling that way.

Shannon said...

Lin, absolutely! You know the preschooler in me always has those tunes in the back of my mind!

I'm always amazed at the power of the scripture to help me see straight, Liz. Not that I always want to, but at it's power to give me a good kick in the pants when I need it!