Saturday, June 14, 2008

sleep deprived?

One of the funniest things (I think) that I did in college was make a speech on sleep deprivation in a speech class that I couldn't ever stay awake in. I think the prof even thought it was funny. I'm pretty sure it was an early morning class (for me, anything before 11). Keeping that in mind....

As most of you all know very well, I am definitely not a morning person. Never have been. A girl at work (mom's day out, 2 days a week) even commented a few weeks ago about how funny it is that I'm so quiet in the morning when we first all get there...and we get there at 8:30! Even then I'm still sleepy! So I found this article in slate very interesting, on how a girl who is absolutely-not-a-morning-person is trying to reset her internal clock, in an effort to switch out her night-owlishness for morning-personality... I'm thinking about trying it, but, then again...


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon...Robbie Manes me at Denny gave me your blog address. Your children are adoreable.

Elizabeth said...

My children are resetting my internal clock for me!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I second kids totally reset my clock. I am just now able to stay up past 9pm and they are 3-5 years old.

I will say I like mornings, though, but I prefer solitude, silence and Starbucks....I only get the Starbucks, though:)